It has been a week that we have been to Beijing. Everything is going well so far except for the weather. The weather has been erratic – one moment is slightly warmer and another moment it can be freezing cold with chilly winds.
The kids hate the weather. They hate donning so many layers of clothing each time we head out (at least 3 layers for now. At times, Lezane puts on 4 layers). So far, we have visited the Blue Zoo, Fun Dazzle, local market and super market, Xiu Shui and Yaxiu markets (which pa and ma had some interesting buys).
Today, we went to the Botanical Gardens with the Oakwood flat mates to view the supposedly spring flowers. However, the gardens were still very much barren with some ‘planted’ flowers along the way. The kids do not enjoy it very much as it was freezing cold and there wasn’t any restaurant for meals during lunch. I guess I will have to cook their meals each time we go for sight seeing as I had noticed that their sight seeing places lacked proper eating places for kids.
One thing i have to get used here is to bring their cutlery sets and utensils for meals as most restaurants are not child friendly. Most of the eating places served food in porcelain plates, spoons, cups etc, which posed as a hazard for itchy hands Lezane. Also, we have to bring shopping bags (eg recycling bags) out each time we go to market, shopping etc as they do not give out bags for free. They are very serious of saving the environment here, although pollution is still an issue here. So now, our going out bag is HUGE…
All right, shall let the pictures do the talking to summarise what we have been up to…
At Wang Fu Jing Indoor Playground
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