The past week was filled with parties and packing the kids schedule with last minute activities before the school reopens next week. The pictures below shall tell the story of what the Tays had been up to...
8th mth: Know her body parts 10th-12th mth: Able to stand and cruise. Calls mama, papa 14 mth: Able to wobble 15 mth: Walks steadily and attends school at Baby Jumper Gym. Had her first holiday at Cameron Highlands 15-24 mth: Able to keep her toys and shoes. Listens to simple instructions 24 mth: Attended playgroup at Star Tots 27 mth: Able to say a one syllable word. Toilet trained for day-time 30 mth: Able to ride a tricyle. Learn to use the scissors. Able to cut and paste. Knows all her alphabets 34 mth: Able to write her name, cut and paste very skillfully. Able to trace and write.
Lezane's Milestone
5th mth: Able to sit up 7th - 8th mth: Able to crawl 10th mth: Started to wobble and learnt how to use the slide 11th mth: Walk steadily and call mama 12th mth: Able to listen to songs and respond to them by dancing and clapping 14 mth: Able to blow bubbles, run and self-feed
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