Lezane's Ticking

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Kyla's Ticking

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Toilet Training

Lezane is finally off diapers for the day now thou there are some misses now and then. But i must say it is a great achievement for him to be off diapers at 2 yrs old. His toilet training all started because in Denmark, he would not be accepted in school until he was toilet trained. It took us 2 weeks to get him to understand how to pee in the toilet (alot easier with kyla then) but our efforts (including my mother in law's) all paid off now. Great, it is alot of savings for diapers...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday to Lezane

With the Hengs With the Tays

Lezane had turned two last Wednesday when we touched down in Singapore. Overall, he is a very fun loving boy with a super fiery temper (maybe just like me). This year, we held three family celebrations in Singapore and Beijing, all of which I think he had enjoyed much (with the exception of not wanting to wear the jersey).

Although it has been a tiring two years (especially the past four months), it has been a bliss to have him. Mama, Papa and RouRou Love You, Lezane.